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Summary of My Experience
Overall, I am very proud of how far I have come with this project. I was very ambitious when it came to this project. I thought that I could publish a paper and create an app within a year. However, I should have thought otherwise because my previous paper took me three years to publish. My goal was to have a novel RNN model that can translate ASL video sequences to English text. I wanted to implement this model onto edge devices by creating an app. Although I was not able to reach my final goal, I have learned a lot along the way. My idea for this project started in my sophomore year when I did my science fair project on gesture recognition, and one of my judges asked me about the future work I planned on doing. This project was what came to mind, and I knew that I had to pursue it for my capstone project. For a good chunk of this project, I had a mentor. He had guided me through a lot of the really challenging parts of building my model and learning how to create something novel. Unfortunately, I was not able to finish the project with him because my program with him ended. He had told me that this was a challenging project that often takes graduate students their entire graduate studies to create. For some reason, I thought that I had it in the bag. However, I am not upset that I was too ambitious at the beginning because without me being that way, I wouldn’t have pushed myself to learn as much as I did. I think what made this experience the most fulfilling was reaching out to organizations and actually learning about the implications my project can have on the hard of hearing/deaf community. I found it rewarding to understand people's experiences and research more about it. I think that oftentimes scientists don’t focus a lot on smaller issues in our society. While bigger issues are “more” prevalent, I still think that it’s important to raise awareness for unseen, misunderstood communities. There were a lot of things that I learned that I actually had no idea about previously or I had misconceptions about. Through presenting what I created at the JSM 2024 conference, I was happy to see the interest in my work. I received feedback from several professors and graduate students, which was my goal. Moreover, while I couldn’t make the app I originally set off to do, I learned how to create an app through a Stanford course, which has been a goal of mine for a while. I hope to continue working on this project to see where it takes me!
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